bodyweight workout plan

How to Structure a Bodyweight Workout Routine

Table of Contents

In bodyweight workouts, the person’s weight is the tension used to build the body. Most exercises that only use one’s body weight involve six types of movement: squatting, bending, lunging, pulling, pushing, or core work.

Because there is no load that the person is working with, this workout focuses on motor coordination and muscular strength. You will learn how to structure a bodyweight workout routine by reading this article. Continue reading if you wish to obtain further information.

Steps for Building a Bodyweight Routine

Building a great bodyweight routine requires proper planning and factoring in all necessaries. The Steps are straightforward and may be implemented immediately. Here’s how to implement them:

Determine the Goal of your Bodyweight Plan

This entails planning which exercises to include in the routine, how long they should be, and how they should be organized.

Although bodyweight exercises can be designed to achieve various goals, such as weight loss, general fitness, or “getting ripped,” you could typically have more specific objectives in mind as a soldier. 

In light of this, the following categories of objectives are great strength training:

  • Stability
  • Cardiovascular / Metabolic / Aerobic
  • Strength

Choose Exercises

After determining whether you want to focus on strength, stability, or metabolic fitness, you can begin selecting exercises to incorporate into your routine.

Even though many exercises are available, if not thousands, of different exercises that can be done with one’s body weight, it is usually best to concentrate on foundational ones. They are simpler to understand and more efficient to use. After all, there’s a good reason why they’re called the basics.

Workouts like the ones below are really great options:

  • Various Kinds of Squats
  • Glute bridges
  • Different Plank Workouts
  • Pushups
  • Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
  • Bird dog Exercise
  • Lunges
  • Deadlifts

Determine the Order, Number of Sets, and Recovery

Once we know what we want to accomplish with the chosen workouts and the selection of exercises has been completed, we can put the plan into action. The type of workout routine is determined by the order in which the exercises are performed, the number of sets, and the amount of recovery time provided between every workout.

Routines should be broken down into general and specific sections. In other words, you will progress from floor-based exercises to those that require them to stand.

A progression from easy to difficult should be built into every routine. That means that you will gradually increase the difficulty of your workouts.

Recovering between sets and workouts should be kept to a minimum if the goal of the workout is to improve cardiovascular fitness. Your heart rate will remain elevated as a result. Strength and stability-focused bodyweight workouts can benefit from more recovery time.

The difficulty of a routine is influenced by how many sets it contains. More advanced fitness experts can do 3-4 sets, while beginners can do 1-2 sets.

Having established the purpose of the workout, the exercises you’ll use, and the session’s flowchart, it’s time to put the plan into practice. Here are a few examples of bodyweight workouts to help you get a better idea of how to put together your own.

Sample Bodyweight Workout Routine for Stability

You can train for stability by performing a single exercise or performing different exercises. This reflects the wide range of experiences we have at our disposal.

Eleven plank variants are the main exercises in a Gauntlet Plank Exercise to develop dynamic core stability. They include:

  • Front arm raise
  • Pushup Plank
  • Sidearm raise
  • Plank Using Forearm
  • Pushup plank using the Forearm
  • Plank in a Spiderman Stance
  • Two-point pushup plank
  •  Leg lifts (Alternating forearms)
  • Pushup plank shuffle
  • Forearm plank on two points
  • Leg Lifts(alternating)
bodyweight workout plan

Sample Bodyweight Workout Plan for Strength

Lifting more weight makes building strength much easier. And the majority can get  basic tools such as:

  • Medicine ball
  • Paint can.
  • Tire
  • Exercise band
  • Kettlebell or dumbbell (adjustable)
  • Jug
  • Wood etc

You can safely consider an exercise “strength-inclined” if you can add weight to it. However, a heavy implementation isn’t required. Slowly and methodically conduct the eccentric contraction to make any lift more challenging. These are called “negative reps” because they put more strain on the muscle.

Here, eccentric contraction occurs when your quadriceps lengthens while still carrying weight during a squat. To do a negative squat, squat down and then gradually stand back up to where you started.

Negative reps alongside weighted reps can be added to a bodyweight workout plan to increase difficulty. 

The Tomahawk-Med Ball Exercise is a great strength workout too. It contains:

  • Plank
  • Haybale
  • V-up 
  • Solo by Rocky
  • salsa Caliente
  • Deadlift with single leg and press
  • lunge twisting

You need a tomahawk med ball and adequate room on top of your body to hoist it.

Exercises to Build Metabolic Fitness: A Model Workout Plan

It’s also possible to get aerobic exercise without running or other aerobic activities like swimming or cycling.

If you are stuck at home, you don’t have many choices. After all, if you can’t exercise, it’s hard to keep your heart healthy.

Slightly elevated body mass exercises with short breaks may raise heartbeat speed and enhance your metabolic need to move an inch.

MetCon by Alpha is a HIIT workout that incorporates many exercises. This workout includes the following exercises:

  • Warm-up: 2-3 drills (in a running format)
  • Mountain Climbing Pushups
  • Spiderman Plank
  • Burpees
  • Two Legs Raised Side plank
  • Lunge jumps (Split Ones)

Also, changing the number of repetitions and rest time may make this workout simpler or more difficult.

Tip Sheet for Bodyweight Training

  1. Once you’ve completed 15 reps of a bodyweight exercise, increase the difficulty by lowering the rest period.
  2. Perform supersets, tri-sets, or giant sets to increase intensity.
  3. Increase or decrease resistance with the help of a training partner.
  4. Legs exercises typically require a lot of repetitions and a wide range of motion.
  5. Call Fort Fitness at 949-544-1557  in Laguna Hills, CA to learn how to get the most out of your bodyweight workout routines.

Estimated opening is Spring 2022.

Fort Fitness is a training ground that empowers mental and physical growth.

Offering tactical strength and conditioning workouts that will demand teamwork, develop resiliency, and cultivate leadership, arming each member of our community with the tenacity to excel in all aspects of life.

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