smart fitness goals

Smart Fitness Goals, Which Classes Should I Check Out?

Table of Contents

Ever wonder why so many people never achieve their fitness goals? You see them doing the same old workout month after month, but they never seem to be improving. Their lack of progress comes down to a lack of goal setting. Unless you set smart fitness goals, your workouts will have no direction and no purpose. This article will show you how to set SMART fitness goals that will propel you toward your objective. We’ll then use your smart goals to zero in on the fitness classes that best align with them.

SMART Fitness Goals

SMART is an acronym for goal setting that stands for …

  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Achievable

  • Realistic

  • Time-Bound

Let’s consider them one by one…


Your goals need to be specifically defined. If your goal is generalized, it will be impossible to know when you have achieved it. That is why your goal needs to have an element of detail. So, rather than setting the goal that you want to ‘get fit,’ drill down to a specific goal like ‘running a half marathon.’

Note, too, that it is always best to couch your goal in concrete, definite rather than hopeful terminology. So, rather than saying “My goal is to run a half marathon”, rephrase it as “I will run a half marathon.”


As well as being specific, your goals also need to be quantifiable. That is why losing weight is not a goal. Unless you quantify the amount of weight you want to lose, you will never know when you get there. So, here again, you need to drill down. State how much weight you are going to lose or, even better, what body fat percentage you will achieve. That way, you will monitor your progress and know if you are on track to the goal’s achievement.


It’s great to aim for the stars, but aiming for another galaxy is merely setting yourself up for failure. Unachievable goals may be too broad, too extensive or unachievable because you do not have the resources or support structure required to achieve it. A realistic goal is one that you are actually able to achieve. If you are in your forties, your goal to become a fighter pilot will probably not happen. Instead, modify your goal to something that is more realistic, like learning to become a pilot and flying a private plane.


Relevant goals are goals that are directly related to the endpoint. For example, if your long-term goal is to lose 20pounds of body fat, setting a goal of squatting 300 pounds is not relevant to the long-term goal.


It is vital that you do have some sort of time element to your goal. Without a time frame, you do not have a goal at all, only a vague ambition. But with one, you have a deadline. As a result, your sense of urgency increases, and you are more likely to attain your goal.

Write your goal like this…

It is May 1st, 2022, and I have just completed a half marathon

Writing your goal in the first-person present tense is very powerful. By re-reading that goal several times daily, you will transmit the message to your subconscious, where it will work to fuel your drive to succeed!

An example of a SMART goal is to reduce body fat percentage by two points over a period of 12 weeks.

Connecting Your Goals to Activity

Now that you know how to set SMART goals to achieve your fitness objectives, you can create next-level goals by incorporating the actions required to achieve that goal. This will provide you, not only with an end objective but also a roadmap to getting there. 

Here’s an example of connecting your fitness goal to a fitness activity …

Goal: I will drop an inch from my waist measurement in 10 weeks.

Activity: Fort Fitness Battlefield Classes

Combined Goal: I will drop an inch from my waist measurement in 10 weeks by doing 2 Fort Fitness Battlefield Classes each week.


When you set goals like this, you will have a powerful motivator to get in there and get the business done. That’s because you have an identified purpose for every single workout that you do. 

In order to fully benefit from your SMART fitness goals, you need to feed on them regularly. Write your goal on a piece of paper and put it in your wallet. Refer to it up to 7 times each day to keep your mind focussed on your goal. 

As you know, any fitness goal is dependent upon healthy eating practices for its successful attainment. Regularly referring to your SMART fitness goals throughout the day will help you to keep your food intake clean.

smart fitness goals

Fitness Classes to Match Your Goals

Group exercise classes are a fantastic way to progress toward your SMART fitness goals. They are motivating, challenging at your level, full of variety, and professionally structured to provide maximum benefit safely and consistently. They’re also a whole heap of fun. 

At Fort Fitness, we pride ourselves on delivering the most remarkable, next-level fitness class experiences you will find anywhere in the United States. Just check out our 3 rooms:


When you step into the Battlefield it’s like you’ve stepped over from everyday life into the combat zone. You’ll be confronted with a HIIT Combat workout class that will bring out the warrior inside to challenge you both physically and mentally. 

The Battlefield HITT Combat class makes use of the following gear:

  • Turf

  • Sleds

  • Climbing Wall

  • Climbing Ropes

  • Squat Racks

  • Barbells

  • State of the Art Treads

  • Dumbbells

  • Medicine Balls

  • Bikes

  • Classified Tactical Apparatus

Fort Fitness Battlefield classes are perfectly aligned with the following fitness goals:

  • Weight loss

  • Strength gains

  • Cardio endurance

  • Explosive power


Our Defcon room is an immersive full-throttle training experience like no other. Once you enter, you’ll be challenged to progress through 5 Defcon levels. Each phase has unique requirements that you have to meet before progressing to the next, more intense level. 

Defcon is designed for extreme conditioning. It’s ideal for the everyday soldier who is short on time and looking for the most badass, exhilarating, heart-pumping physical and mental challenge short of actually entering combat.

The Defcon workout makes use of the following equipment:

  • Custom Branded Heavy Bags

  • Turf


  • Slam Balls

  • Skiers

  • Kettlebells

  • Sandbags


Fort Fitness Defcom workouts align with such fitness goals as:

  • Boosting cardio endurance

  • Developing explosive power

  • Improving athletic performance

  • Getting stronger

Geared Up

Geared Up is a fully immersive spin cycle class that uses lights, projectors, and technology to deliver a next-level training experience. It’s a low-impact, high-intensity workout that will take you to news of motivation and performance. 

Fort Fitness Geared Up Classes align with such fitness goals as:

  • Fat Loss

  • Aerobic Fitness

  • Cardio endurance

  • Lower body power

If you’re interested in learning more about the classes offered at Fort Fitness, call 949-544-1557 and talk to a member of the Fort Fitness family today!

1st month only $79!


Estimated opening is Spring 2022.

Fort Fitness is a training ground that empowers mental and physical growth.

Offering tactical strength and conditioning workouts that will demand teamwork, develop resiliency, and cultivate leadership, arming each member of our community with the tenacity to excel in all aspects of life.

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25252 McIntyre St Suite A, Laguna Hills, CA 92653

Veteran Owned
